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Doing WordPress SEO the Right Way

Right, starting a WordPress blog is pretty straightforward. Because of this reason, WordPress is considered to be one of the best loved blogging formats by most bloggers.

But, if your goal is to use WordPress to your advantage, then you have to pay attention to getting the correct type of search engine traffic. There are a lot of things that you have to fine tune in order to the SEO on your WordPress blog right. But then again, you will find some things that you should never forget about. This article is supposed to let you see that there are some things that can be done to help make your WordPress blog beneficial when it comes to SEO.

Because the Internet audience is becoming increasingly visual, be sure you give them a little eye candy with your posts in the form of images. Using image tags is a great way to get the search engines to take notice of your site so this isn't only about making your blog prettier. What's more, if you use the right keywords to name your image you'll even drive some traffic from the images search on sites like Google and Bing.

Allow Trackbacks: One of the main things that helps you WordPress blog get good ranking is the trackbacks. This is convenient option for using the comments as a way to link back to the person who is placing links to you. When you allow trackbacks on your WordPress blog, this gives other people an avenue for linking to your articles and creating a backlink for you. You will discover that plenty of WordPress blogs have trackbacks all through the comments. This is done this way so that it makes things easier for the average computer user to link to your article if they like it.

Pinging is an excellent way to let people know you have added something new to your blog. WordPress has been known to make use of one pinging service that sends out pings to others. It is called "ping-o-matic." One thing that you should keep in mind is to bring down the number of pings automatically issued by WordPress, because each time you edit your post and update it, a ping is sent out. So in order to avoid being labeled as a spammer, you should try to bring down the pings. Make sure you use the pinging feature responsibly so that no problems come up later on.

You will not be able to do anything with your WordPress blog if it is not optimized for SEO. This is why it necessary not overlook the little parts. See if you can get your blog a better search engine ranking than the other blogs.

The things in this article are not hard to implement. However, when you begin using these things to your advantage, you will understand that these things are easy. But they can have a big affect on your overall rankings in the long run.