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{Penis enlargement info|Far more facts concerning penis enlargement|Come across out a lot more About Penis enlargement|Penis enlargement can it be within your case

Very little legitimate scientific research has been done specifically on penile enlargement, so any claims of significant and permanent enlargement can be biased or anecdotal. General research has been done regarding the efficacy (or rather the lack of) of the contents of the pills; otherwise, one assumes, that main-stream medicine would have made use of them if they indeed worked in any setting. There is also an element of risk with some of the more invasive procedures, with negative outcomes ranging from the tearing of skin and scarring, to permanent loss of sexual function. Due to the speculative nature of any hope for "improvement" and the many known cases of permanent injury involved in this endeavor, many medical professionals are sceptical of the subject.[1]

Masturbation for longer periods of time and more regularly increases the blood that stimulates the penis, therefore, causing an erection to last longer and harder more frequently. This is also due to the release of biogranite chemicals to release at higher frequencies into the grangulous cells located to the top of the shaft.

The effectiveness of penis pumps for permanent penis enlargement was examined by Kazem, Hosseini and Alizadeh. They studied 37 men with penis length less than 10 cm and found no significant change in penile length after using pumps for six months, although the follow-up have found 30% satisfaction with the method. The conclusion of the paper stated that vacuum treatment of the penis is not an effective method for penile elongation, but provides psychological satisfaction for some men.[4]

Weight hanging, however, can also carry serious risks, which include nerve damage, chronic pain, scarring and impotence. The idea behind weight hanging is to stretch the tunica albuginea and other various tissues of the penis.[citation needed]

Penis enlargement surgery is intended to result in a permanent enlargement of the shaft of the penis. The typical method of surgically increasing the penis size is to transplant fat cells from other areas of the body, since the spongy material of the penis is not found elsewhere in the body. The fact that fat cells do not normally make up the shaft means that what we are trying to do here is not natural, and the risk is high that the penis will not look normal when we are done. Both the length and girth of the penis can be permanently enlarged by this method, however, the tip or head of the penis remains the same size as before this enhancement.

Ultimately the safest method for penis enlargement is to combine natural penis enlargement exercises, a 100% natural male enhancement, and better nutrition / more exercise. Vimax pills and patches have quickly become the most successful option of the 100% natural cures, without the risks associated with chemicals or surgical procedures. penis enlarger

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