Back In Line Chiropractic In Dallas GA Helps You Avoid Risky Surgery with Spinal Decompression

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Traditional doctors frequently recommend surgery to alleviate back pain, but invasive procedures carry some risks. Back In Line Chiropractic offers a natural, effective alternative: spinal decompression therapy.

Dallas, GA - March 20, 2017 - Dr. LaDonna Bense, DC, at Back In Line Chiropractic Spine And Injury wants the public to know that she offers spinal decompression as a natural alternative to risky surgery.

Healthy discs contain supportive material between them. When they become compressed, the resulting pressure causes this material to move out of its normal quarters, encroaching on surrounding sensitive nerves. As those nerves become increasingly crowded, affected individuals experiences intense pain.

Traditional medical doctors have found that even the most powerful painkillers aren't enough to alleviate the discomfort of compressed discs. While morphine and similar drugs may provide a small measure of relief, they have to be administered in increasingly high doses and can lead to addiction. Hence, physicians usually recommend surgery to mitigate the pain. Invasive procedures typically involve shaving part of the disc to make room for the material that has invaded the space occupied by the nerves. However, spinal surgery involves some degree of risk and comes with long recovery times.

Dr. Bense offers spinal decompression therapy, a non-invasive, drug-free alternative. This modality involves the use of a traction table or similar device. The painless procedure alternately stretches and relaxes the spine, placing negative pressure on each disc to restore the outlying material to its normal position and deliver nutrients to affected areas to accelerate recovery. Rather than merely managing the symptoms, this technique addresses the source of the problem, eliminating the need for surgery. Spinal decompression has been shown to alleviate several conditions, including sciatica and lower back or neck pain caused by a herniated or bulging disc.

To learn more about disc decompression and other services offer by Dr. Bense at Back in Line Chiropractic Spine and Injury, visit Those who have questions about this press release can reach the clinic through its website or use the following contact information:

Contact Information: Back in Line Chiropractic 110 Evans Mill Drive, Ste. 105 Dallas, GA 30157 (770) 505-5665 (770) 505-5654