From Data Realms Wiki
Daman 17:16, 13 December 2007 (CST)
YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF UGLY Ricky26 17:17, 13 December 2007 (CST)
No u.
Daman 18:13, 13 December 2007 (CST)
Broken computer
Computer fixed. Cooked power supply. The melted wires almost looked like a chocolate bar melted. Delicious plastic.
Long lua example for pyro
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Start Activity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.FightStage = { NOFIGHT = 0, DEFENDING = 1, ATTACK = 2, FIGHTSTAGECOUNT = 3 };
- self.AreaTimer = Timer();
- self.StepTimer = Timer();
- self.SpawnTimer = Timer();
- self.ScreenChange = false;
- self.CurrentFightStage = self.FightStage.NOFIGHT;
- self.CPUBrain = nil;
- rcv = nil;
- --------------------------
- -- Set up teams
- -- Team 2 is always CPU
- self.CPUTeam = Activity.TEAM_2;
- -- for team = 0, self.TeamCount - 1 do
- -- end
- --------------------------
- -- Set up players
- for player = 0, self.PlayerCount - 1 do
- -- Check if we already have a brain assigned
- -- If we can't find an unassigned brain in the scene to give each player, then force to go into editing mode to place one
- if not foundBrain then
- self.ActivityState = Activity.EDITING;
- print("Can't find player brain for tutorial game mode, forcing player to place one manually in edit mode!");
- else
- -- Set the found brain to be the selected actor at start
- -- Set the observation target to the brain, so that if/when it dies, the view flies to it in observation mode
- end
- end
- end
- -- Set up AI modes
- for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
- if actor.Team == self.CPUTeam then
- actor.AIMode = Actor.AIMODE_BRAINHUNT;
- end
- end
- --------------------------
- -- Set up tutorial
- --module("socket");
- client = socket.tcp()
- nick = "ccirc"
- --Connect. Please connect.
- client:connect("", 6667)
- client:settimeout(0, t)
- curchannel = nil
- --Let's check if we are connected and if so send the stuff we need to to the server to make ourselves recognized. This is the part where I'm unsure of the luasocket end of things. Perhaps I need to prefix the data with the host address? No clue
- client:send("NICK " .. nick .. "\r\n");
- client:send("USER " .. nick .. " 8 * : CCIRC\r\n");
- client:send("JOIN #drlchat \r\n");
- end
- function update()
- rcv = client:receive('*l');
- end
- function join(channel)
- curchannel = channel
- end
- function spam()
- client:send("PRIVMSG Daman :" .. k .. " " .. v);
- end
- end
- function say(txt)
- client:send("PRIVMSG " .. curchannel .. " :" .. txt);
- end
- function raw(arg)
- client:send(arg .. "\r\n");
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Pause Activity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- End Activity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Update Activity
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function MaginotMission:UpdateActivity()
- -- Avoid game logic when we're editing
- if (self.ActivityState == Activity.EDITING) then
- return;
- end
- --------------------------
- -- Iterate through all human players
- for player = 0, self.PlayerCount - 1 do
- -- The current player's team
- -- Make sure the game is not already ending
- if not (self.ActivityState == Activity.OVER) then
- -- Check if any player's brain is dead
- -- Now see if all brains of self player's team are dead, and if so, end the game
- end
- end
- -- Game over, show the appropriate messages until a certain time
- -- TODO: make more appropriate messages here for run out of funds endings
- if team == self.WinnerTeam then
- else
- end
- end
- end
- ------------------------------------------------
- -- Iterate through all teams
- for team = 0, self.TeamCount - 1 do
- -------------------------------------------
- -- Check for victory conditions
- -- Make sure the game isn't already ending
- if (not (self.ActivityState == Activity.OVER)) and (not (team == self.CPUTeam)) then
- end
- end
- --IRC
- --------------------------------------------
- -- Battle logic
- -- Triggered defending stage
- if self.CurrentFightStage == self.FightStage.NOFIGHT and SceneMan.Scene:WithinArea("AIAttack", self:GetControlledActor(Activity.PLAYER_1).Pos) then
- -- Take over control of screen messages
- -- Display the text of the current step
- FrameMan:SetScreenText("DEFEND YOUR BRAIN AGAINST THE INCOMING FORCES!", Activity.PLAYER_1, 500, 8000, true);
- -- self will make all the enemy team AI's go into brain hunt mode
- for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
- if actor.Team == self.CPUTeam then
- actor.AIMode = Actor.AIMODE_BRAINHUNT;
- end
- end
- -- Advance the stage
- self.CurrentFightStage = self.FightStage.DEFENDING;
- end
- end
- -- See if there is a designated LZ Area for attackers, and only land over it
- local attackLZ = SceneMan.Scene:GetArea("Attacker LZ");
- if attackLZ then
- ship.Pos = Vector(attackLZ:GetRandomPoint().X, 0);
- else
- -- Will appear anywhere when there is no designated LZ
- end
- ship.Team = self.CPUTeam;
- -- Let the spawn into the world, passing ownership
- -- Wait another period for next spawn
- end
- update();
- if rcv then
- if rcv == ":ccirc! MODE ccirc +x" then
- client:send("JOIN #drlchat");
- end
- end
- --[[
- for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
- if SceneMan.Scene:WithinArea("Kill Zone", actor.Pos) then
- actor:GibThis();
- end
- end
- --]]
- -----------------------------------------------------
- -- Check for victory conditions
- --[[
- -- Check if the CPU brain is dead
- if not MovableMan:IsActor(self.CPUBrain) and ActivityMan:ActivityRunning() then
- self.CPUBrain = nil;
- -- Proclaim player winner end
- self.WinnerTeam = Activity.TEAM_1
- -- Finito!
- ActivityMan:EndActivity();
- end
- --]]
- end