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Revision as of 12:16, 7 June 2010 by Petethegoat (Talk)
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Common errors:

Anti-aliasing: Some image editing software might blend a painted shape's outline with that of the color it was painted on/next to. These pixels will disagree with cortex command. Super soft material: If your material is unintensionally soft, you need to check that you changed the colormap and painted the terrain afterward. The paint bucket is your best friend.

Strange mission behaviour and MOID count

While developing custom missions or scenes you can encounter strange behaviour such as: CPU controlled units attacking their own dropships, bullet holes stuck in the air, unexpected gibbing of your actors an such. To troubleshoot theese problems you first need to check how many movable object you have. To check it press CTRL+P and awtch for the MOID Count parameter in the upper left corner of the screen. As for build 23 this number should never exceed 255. This limit generally means, that you cannot place as many Actors or Weapons on scene as you want. Every single movable object takes some MOID. Here are some common objects for reference:

All of the following count as 1 MOID:

  • Actors
  • ADoors
  • AHumans
  • ACrabs
  • ACRockets
  • ACDropships
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Heads
  • Attachables
  • HDFirearms
  • HeldDevices

A Coalition Heavy Soldier equipped with a Heavy Sniper Rifle would have:

  • 2 legs
  • 2 arms
  • 1 head
  • 1 helmet
  • 1 torso/actor
  • 1 chest plate
  • 1 weapon

Overall: 9 MOIDs juct for one actor.

A dummy turret has 11, so avoid those. Long doors have 2 (door and motor) and tunnel doors have 2 doors, so they have 4 MOIDs.

Don't forget to check how mane MOIDs you alreadey have, when spawning actors with Lua. Consider using the following restrictiions on every piece of code that can spawn something:

if MovableMan:GetMOIDCount() < 240 then
--spawn something