LED Bunkers

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We now have the ability to make any bunker into an LED bunker!! How cool would night games be for that?! Our website has all the individual bunkers listed for LED pricing and the pricing for the packages will be coming soon as well. The LED bunkers are made with our white vinyl and have a pocket built into them for the LED light. It is all hidden behind the plug cover! Each LED light takes 2 AAA batteries to power and has 12 different color options. You can also make the lights strobe, rotate through the colors as well as mix up which bunkers have certain colors. You have the ability to add logo to the bunkers to personalize them for your field.

Call or email us with any questions or if you want a quote with your logo!

<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/f32f1f_7414c7cd2a03498d9b7e1293ff6a7767~mv2_d_2680_2680_s_4_2.jpg" border="0" align="left" />