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Animals that were unlucky enough to get caught up in your fight, but that doesn't mean they wont fight back!


The most common native life on the planet. It may not seem the most threatening creature. Crab attacks consist of bumping into you until you die. This isn't the most effective tactic. If you lie down in the sand and let one step on your head it could possibly kill you.

Prior to Build 27, the Crab could be purchased, free. Though unable to use any weapons, Crabs remained very popular with Cortex Commanders (see also "Crab Bomb").

Mega Crab


A crab that defends the nest and protects its smaller brethren. Mega Crab has a thick shell and can take many more bullets than you want to know. It will jump at hostiles; a well aimed pounce is an instant kill regardless of how much health you had.

You can not at this time purchase Mega Crabs.



A tiny little thing that just jumps around.