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SyntaxCastSeeRay( * The team to see for.
  • The starting position.
  • The vector to trace along.
  • A Vector that will be set to the position of where the sight ray was terminated. If it reached the end, it will be set to the end of the ray.
  • The material strength limit where
  • For every pixel checked along the line, how many to skip between them for optimization reasons. 0 = every pixel is checked. )
Traces along a vector and reveals pixels on the unseen layer of a team as long as the accumulated material strengths traced through the terrain don't exceed a specific value.
ReturnsWhether any unseen pixels were revealed as a result of this seeing.

  1. for k,v in pairs(PagesWithoutExamples) do
  2.     v.MakeExample(NoErrors);
  3. end
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