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Panic attacks are instances when one begins to feel like they are losing control of the situation at any point, regardless of whether there is an actual threat to them or not. When this occurs, one will have physical reactions as well that are very much like a heart attack. People who constantly suffer from panic attacks have something called panic disorder. Said panic attacks causes a lot of irregularities to one’s life.

Someone who has ever suffered from a panic attack knows that they are pleasant business. One is left feeling like he or she no longer any control of the situation and environment and this will lead to anxiety. Along with the anxiety one starts to feel a tightening in the chest and difficulty in breathing. Some are able to calm down after some time but some have to be taken to the hospital for first aid because most of the time, especially with older people, panic attacks get mistaken for heart attacks.

Studies have not been able to really pinpoint the cause of panic disorder but most researchers would say either stress or genes. The thing though is that just because one suffers from the occasional panic attack does not mean they have said disorder. It can be said that when one does suffer from constant panic attack that it can be summarized that they have the disorder. Either way, panic attacks are never a good thing. Panic attacks causes a lot of stress for the people who constantly have them.

This is for the reason that one can never know when a panic attack will strike. It can happen anywhere and just anytime so it leads to one constantly stressing about when he or she will eventually lose control and have a panic attack.

There are those who would say that panic disorder can be cured. Well, most researchers would disagree with this, but they would also say that while as it can’t be cured, it can be managed and that is the important thing here. This is for the reason that panic attacks causes such a damper to one’s social life and relationship with others that really, who would want to suffer from them? Panic attacks are never a good thing and people who suffer from them can say it’s no ride in the park. It’s for this reason that one should be thankful if they don’t suffer from this.