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Interior Design and Home Decorating Ideas Share with You

The 5 Golden Rules Of Interior Design

The 5 Golden Rules Of : The rules you remember all the time, never overlook, are the Golden rules that always apply. Like stars to guide us, they shine brilliantly, keeping us on course and always moving in a positive direction. Golden Rules exist to show you how, to be followed, for use…

It makes little difference what your goal is or what challenge you face. Just find the applicable Golden Rule and abide by it…

Golden Rules, the 5 best ones for and home decorating.

Golden Rule # 1, Healthy Consideration.

The tried and true reason behind doing it like this is your decorating home will be the place you stayed for the most of time. Remember, keep all decorating materials with healthy condition,, make sure it won’t be the killer to your health..

Golden Rule # 2, Environmental Protection. This is very important because a lot of building materials are made by woods or other natural resources. Remember that saving natural resources is also very important to keep the earth green and long.

For all 5 golden rules, please go to check .

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