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Petethegoat (Talk)
(Removed from condemned Devices category.)

Latest revision as of 21:27, 10 June 2010

This is the source code for the default Dummy dropship. It contains all of the required declarations and can be used as a template for creating your own dropship.

AddActor = ACDropShip
	PresetName = Drop Ship
	Description = Heavily armored aerial transport. Very reliable and stable.
	AddToGroup = Craft
	Mass = 1300
	HitsMOs = 1
	GetsHitByMOs = 1
	SpriteFile = ContentFile
		FilePath = Dummy.rte/Crafts/Dummy Dropship/DropshipHullA.bmp
	FrameCount = 1
	SpriteOffset = Vector
		X = -67
		Y = -26
	EntryWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal
	ExitWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal
	GoldValue = 110
	AtomGroup = AtomGroup
		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 10
		Depth = 0
	DeepGroup = AtomGroup
		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 20
		Depth = 4
	DeepCheck = 1
	BodyHitSound = Sound
		CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit
	Status = 2
	Health = 100
	ImpulseDamageThreshold = 9000
	StableVelocityThreshold = Vector
		X = 220
		Y = 220
	CharHeight = 100
	LThruster = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dummy Dropship Engine A
		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = -53
			Y = -12
		Mass = 100
	RThruster = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dummy Dropship Engine B
		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = 53
			Y = -12
		Mass = 100
	ULThruster = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dummy Dropship Retro Thruster
		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = -23
			Y = -22
	URThruster = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dummy Dropship Retro Thruster
		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = 23
			Y = -22
	LHatchDoor = Attachable
		CopyOf = Dummy Dropship Door A
		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = 0
			Y = -12
	RHatchDoor = Attachable
		CopyOf = Dummy Dropship Door B
		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = 0
			Y = -12
	HatchDoorSwingRange = Matrix
		AngleDegrees = 28
	HatchDelay = 250
	HatchOpenSound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			Path = Base.rte/Actors/Rockets/HatchOpen.wav
	AddExit = Exit
		Offset = Vector
			X = 0
			Y = 28
		Velocity = Vector
			X = 0
			Y = 4
		Radius = 22
		Range = 40
//	ExitInterval = 1250;
	CrashSound = Sound
		CopyOf = Metal Body Blunt Hit Large
	CanLand = 0
	GibImpulseLimit = 18000
	GibWoundLimit = 26
	GibSound = Sound
		CopyOf = Ship Explosion
	AddGib = Gib
		GibParticle = AEmitter
			CopyOf = Fuel Fire Trace Gray
			PresetName = Ship Explosion
			LifeTime = 175
		Count = 8
		Spread = 2.25
		MaxVelocity = 20
		MinVelocity = 5
		LifeVariation = 0.25
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