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"A strong mercenary group who are fearsome when confronted up-close. What they lack in range is made up for in durability, allowing them to close distances while soaking bullets."

Browncoats are notorious for their bullish resilience. Napalm burns out before it can finish one off. They are flesh and blood, but the Browncoat Heavy can live with most of its head apparently blown off...

They have heavy-duty jetpacks, which few other units do, and walk quickly enough to close distance.

Almost all their weapons are fiery and include a heavy pistol, incindiary rifles, a flamer, and an artillery launcher with area-denial fire bombs.

Browncoat Light


"Tough mercenaries who are well armored and equipped with strong jetpacks."

A strong soldier capable of taking a headshot, like the Coalition units. Although not as strong as the Browncoat Heavy, it is stronger than any Coalition unit and can also withstand direct fire from many units at a time; therefore can be used as a shield for your light infantry or to buy you some time to send in reinforcements.

Browncoat Heavy

"An even stronger fighter than the 'ligher' variant, this monster can take quite a beating before he dies on you."

Browncoat Heavy.png

When seen on the battlefield this unit instills fear in all who oppose it. It is said that the Browncoat Heavy can take up to 30 shots before death.