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(Nested the Ronins into a subsection; ToC looks cleaner, and will be less messy to add cannon fodder or craft that may be released in CC 1.0)
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== Dafred ==
== Ronins ==
=== Dafred ===
"Dafred is simply awesome." <br>
"Dafred is simply awesome." <br>
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== Mia ==
=== Mia ===
"Mia is flexible and runs like the wind." <br>
"Mia is flexible and runs like the wind." <br>
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=== Dimitri ===
"Dimitri is tall and can see pretty far." <br>
"Dimitri is tall and can see pretty far." <br>
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== Brutus ==
=== Brutus ===
"Brutus is a tough guy, although heavy and slow." <br>
"Brutus is a tough guy, although heavy and slow." <br>
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== Sandra ==
=== Sandra ===
"Sandra's sexy hair can make any soldier hesitate." <br>
"Sandra's sexy hair can make any soldier hesitate." <br>
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== Gordon ==
=== Gordon ===
"Gordon can soak up bullets, but don't crash into anything if you like living." <br>
"Gordon can soak up bullets, but don't crash into anything if you like living." <br>

Revision as of 22:26, 21 June 2012

"These outcasts travel in rusty old ships hoping to prey upon unprepared colonies and transports. They have little or no armour, antique weapons and crazy haircuts. They use bodies belonging to convicts and occasionally some unfortunate civilian who got lobotomised after getting with the wrong crowd. Desperate poor people have also been known to rent their body (with their 'muted' brain still inside) in the hope of being able to afford disembodiment. The ranks of the Ronin are often infused with new blood every time FreeTrade kills a star system, i.e. pull out their TradeStars.
Gameplay: These are regular people, meant to provide a familiar scale. How much does falling 5 meters down on concrete hurt? These guys will illustrate. The hideouts of the Ronin can be used to put familiar furniture into the game. They do not have TradeStar access."[1]

While demonstrably clones (multiple Mias anyone?), Ronin are distinct among current for being distinct characters with names. And instead of generic infantry, each Ronin's individual characteristics lends them to a specific combat role. Otherwise they are much alike in having jetpacks but lacking armor. They have no drones, turrets, or vehicles at present.

Called "space vikings" with ethnically Norse members in some official flavor text, the Ronin have also been called freedom fighters and rebels by uncited sources. Though much loved by noteworthy modders, they seem to be black sheep of the Cortex Command universe. Ronin have only officially been featured in the "Zombie Caves" mission as a hit squad trying to prevent the return of a cloning control chip. Whether they were protecting their own property or hired by another party is unclear. In an age of disembodied brains, their persistent individuality is enigmatic. Though the misdirecting Distractor Device was removed in Build 27, it hints at a strategy to exploit the relative stupidity of meat puppets.

Their weaponry and tools are outdated 20th century models, plus some improvisations. It's unclear where they find these antiques in working condition, including some WWII-era weapons, especially at cheap prices. They use the scraps no other Techs want, with some inventive additions like the Rocket-Propelled Chainsaw Launcher. Regardless, their arsenel provides distinct options with multiple entries in almost all categories of weaponry-- likely the key to their "getting the job done". Their units and equipment could lend them to an opportunistic mobile style rather than direct, conventional engagements and base defense like the Coalition or Dummies, or to massing superior numbers of relatively cheap troops (especially if zombies are theirs to use).





"Dafred is simply awesome."
Dafred is the well rounded soldier. Not too weak, not too slow. A great pick when your not really sure what kind of threat you will have to deal with.



"Mia is flexible and runs like the wind."
If the flavor text didn't give it away, Mia is the Light soldier of the Ronin faction. She is one of the fastest walking actors in the game.



"Dimitri is tall and can see pretty far."
Despite the potential benefits he has as a sniper, Dimitri is rather weak. He is cheaper than Dafred, but his height makes him a bigger target and less able to squeeze through holes.



"Brutus is a tough guy, although heavy and slow."
The description sums it up quite nicely. Brutus is the "heavy" character of the Ronin faction. Not that useful considering the Ronins do not wear body armour as the Coalition and Browncoats.



"Sandra's sexy hair can make any soldier hesitate."
Something about Sandra messes with the AI of enemy soldiers.



"Gordon can soak up bullets, but don't crash into anything if you like living."
Similar to the Imperatus robots, Gordon is highly resistant to damage from bullets. However he is more vulnerable to impact damage, so be careful when jet-packing or fighting dummies.
