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A HDFirearm is just that--a held device that is a firearm. They are primarily thought of as being guns, but diggers and sprayers are also HDFirearms. A HDFirearm consists of 6 different pieces of code, the round, shell, tracer round, muzzle flash, the magazine and the HDFirearm itself, which is what we will be learning about in this tutorial.

The HDFirearm instance is set up in this fashion:

AddDevice = HDFirearm
	InstanceName = Gun Template
	AddToGroup = Weapons
	Mass = 3
	HitsMOs = 0
	GetsHitByMOs = 1
	SpriteFile = ContentFile
		FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/Pistols/Pistol.bmp
	FrameCount = 2
	SpriteOffset = Vector
		X = -7
		Y = -3
	EntryWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal
	ExitWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal
	GoldValue = 5
	AtomGroup = AtomGroup
		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 4
		Depth = 0
	DeepGroup = AtomGroup
		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 4
		Depth = 10
	DeepCheck = 1
	JointStrength = 75
	JointStiffness = 0.5
	JointOffset = Vector
		X = -3
		Y = 2
	DrawAfterParent = 0
	OneHanded = 1
	StanceOffset = Vector
		X = 12
		Y = 0
	SharpStanceOffset = Vector
		X = 13
		Y = -2
	SupportOffset = Vector
		X = -1
		Y = 3
	SharpLength = 125
	Magazine = Magazine
		CopyOf = Magazine Pistol
		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = -2
			Y = 1
	Flash = Attachable
		CopyOf = Muzzle Flash Pistol
	FireSound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/Pistols/PistolBang.wav
	EmptySound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/EmptyClick3.wav
	ReloadStartSound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadStart.wav
	ReloadEndSound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadEnd.wav
	RateOfFire = 200
	ReloadTime = 1500
	FullAuto = 0
	FireIgnoresThis = 1
	ShakeRange = 13
	SharpShakeRange = 3
	NoSupportFactor = 1.5
	ParticleSpreadRange = 3
	ShellSpreadRange = 8
	ShellAngVelRange = 2
	MuzzleOffset = Vector
		X = 5
		Y = -1
	EjectionOffset = Vector
		X = -3
		Y = -1
	AddGib = Gib
		GibParticle = MOPixel
			CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1
		Count = 3
		Spread = 2.25
		MaxVelocity = 20
		MinVelocity = 8
	GibWoundLimit = 2

The Explanation

Now we will break it down variable by variable (and split it into sections). (offsets and gibs will not be covered)

AddDevice = HDFirearm // The instance call, defines the next text as parts of a HDFirearm.

	InstanceName = Gun Template // The name used to refer to the instance later.

	AddToGroup = Weapons // The group it will be under when you start a skirmish with no pre-placed brain.  Not required*

	Mass = 3 // The mass in kg for example; 0.01 would be 10g, 0.1 would be 100g and 1 would be 1kg.

	HitsMOs = 0 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can hit by other particles.

	GetsHitByMOs = 1 // Boolean value that determines if this particle can be hit by other particles.

	SpriteFile = ContentFile
		FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/Pistols/Pistol.bmp // Tells The HDFirearm to use the sprite specified.

	FrameCount = 2 // How many frames to use, 1 or 2 for the time being, one before shooting, one during shooting.

	SpriteOffset = Vector
		X = -7
		Y = -3
	EntryWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet enters the HDF.

	ExitWound = AEmitter
		CopyOf = Dent Metal // The emitter to use for where the bullet exits the HDF.

	GoldValue = 5 // How much the HDF costs.

*HDFirearms automatically get put into the group weapons, if not put in any other groups.
AtomGroups and Deepgroups

	AtomGroup = AtomGroup // Defines the next text as parts of a AtomGroup

		AutoGenerate = 1 // Defines whether or not to generate the an AtomGroup based on the sprite (1) or not (0).*

		Material = Material // Defines the material that the round will be made up of.

			CopyOf = Military Stuff // Reference to the material you want the round to be made of.

		Resolution = 4 // Unknown.

		Depth = 0 // 

	DeepGroup = AtomGroup // Defines the next text as parts of a DeepGroup

		AutoGenerate = 1
		Material = Material
			CopyOf = Military Stuff
		Resolution = 4
		Depth = 10

	DeepCheck = 1 //

*in which case you must define the object with a set of

	JointStrength = 75 // How much force is required to be slung out of your grip.

	JointStiffness = 0.5 // How much force is required to move the joint

	JointOffset = Vector
		X = -3
		Y = 2

	DrawAfterParent = 0 // Boolean value that determines if it is drawn in front of the parent a.k.a hand (1) or not (0).

	OneHanded = 1 // Boolean value that determines if it is held with one hand (1) or two (0).

	StanceOffset = Vector
		X = 12
		Y = 0
	SharpStanceOffset = Vector
		X = 13
		Y = -2
	SupportOffset = Vector
		X = -1
		Y = 3

	SharpLength = 125 // Determines How far you can aim.

	Magazine = Magazine
		CopyOf = Magazine Pistol // Defines which magazine instance to use.

		ParentOffset = Vector
			X = -2
			Y = 1

	Flash = Attachable
		CopyOf = Muzzle Flash Pistol // Defines which muzzle flash instance to use.


	FireSound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/Pistols/PistolBang.wav // Tells The HDFirearm what sound to use when shooting.

	EmptySound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/EmptyClick3.wav // ...when pulling the trigger but out of rounds.

	ReloadStartSound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadStart.wav // ...when removing used magazine.

	ReloadEndSound = Sound
		AddSample = ContentFile
			FilePath = Base.rte/Devices/ReloadEnd.wav // ...when installing new magazine.
	RateOfFire = 200 // Measured in rounds per minute (RPM or round/min).

	ReloadTime = 1500 // Amount of time it takes to reload in milliseconds.
	FullAuto = 0 // Boolean value that determines if it is fully automatic (1) or not (0).

	FireIgnoresThis = 1 // If the shot effects the HDF or the HDF's firer.

	ShakeRange = 13 // Range of shake (inaccuracy) due to movement.

	SharpShakeRange = 3 // Range of shake (inaccuracy) whilst aiming down the sights/barrel of HDF.

	NoSupportFactor = 1.5 // Multiplier that effects ShakeRanges if the HDF is not supported with the other hand.

	ParticleSpreadRange = 3 // Range (degrees) of bullet spread.

	ShellSpreadRange = 8 // Range (degrees) of shell spread.

	ShellAngVelRange = 2 // Range of angular velocity (how fast they rotate) on the shells.

	MuzzleOffset = Vector
		X = 5
		Y = -1
	EjectionOffset = Vector
		X = -3
		Y = -1
	AddGib = Gib
		GibParticle = MOPixel
			CopyOf = Spark Yellow 1
		Count = 3
		Spread = 2.25
		MaxVelocity = 20
		MinVelocity = 8

	GibWoundLimit = 2 // Amount of wounds required for the HDF to gib.